The first, on 25th September, was our annual day-trip to the Isles of Scilly, singing our way there and back on the Scillonian. The weather was stunning as was the scenery, and we raised a total of £335 for the RNLI. And thank goodness for a calm sea this year!
1st October found us back in Cornwall, singing in Truro for our friends at Seasalt. The following Thursday we aired our seasonal songs in our local pub, the Olde Plough, performing at the Harvest Supper. Then back into Cornwall on 10th October for the Tamar Festival at Cotehele Quay, organised by Westcountry Rivers Association – such a lovely setting for this interesting event. Great to sing on the Tamar sailing barge, the Shamrock.
We continue to appear locally at monthly Acoustic Sessions (3rd Sunday) in the Olde Plough, and once again will be contributing to the Remembrance Service in Bere Ferrers church (8th November). In addition to several bookings to private events, we are planning a big night of community singing to raise funds for the youth of the Bere Peninsular. Come to the Olde Plough on Friday 4th December for a seafood supper and ‘sing-along with the Tavy Tars’!